30 Days To Renewal – Day 3 God’s Creation – You

God’s Creation – You

You are one of the greatest creations God has ever spoken into existence. Genesis 1:27 tells us you are created in the image of God!  While we are often a poor reflection of God, we bear His image and that makes us valuable to Him.

You are so valuable, God chose to come to earth as a human to create a way to permanently restore our relationship. We often get caught up in the mechanics of “how” to begin a new life in Christ that we miss the splendor of the “what” is happening.

When you come to Jesus and recognize Him as Lord of your life, (whether a scripted prayer, a call for help combined with repentance, or a simple realization and confession of Jesus as Lord) you open the door for a process that is truly miraculous.

Jesus moves into his role as The Creator again and begins to create someone new. The Apostle Paul stated it this way, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”.  2 Corinthians 5:17. The concept was not new to early followers of Jesus.  Old Testament prophets spoke of a restoration that happened from God doing a new creation in the lives of His people.

Some describe becoming a Christian as: Starting fresh, Being reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit, the old life is gone, and a new life emerges. These are all accurate descriptions based on Scripture.

As the salvation process in our lives takes place, we become a new creation.  That means our old habits and hangups no longer have control over us!  We may return to those actions based on our comfort, but Romans 6:14 teaches us that “Sin is no longer your master….”

If you find yourself still battling habits and hangups from your past, allow Jesus to continue His work of creation in you and complete that freedom we have in grace.  You don’t have to live in your past bondage because Christ has come to set your free.

Today, take time to appreciate the new creation that God has made.  Feed that new creation and then watch as you grow in Jesus.

Prayer:  Jesus, I declare that you are creator and Lord over everything, including me.  As I submit my life to you, will you help me to grow into the new creation you intend me to be. Help me to understand your grace and enjoy it!

Questions for thought:

  • If God has made you a new creation (person) why do you feel drawn to some of your old ways?
  • How can you feed your new creation (spiritual life) so it may grow strong?
  • Since we are created in the image of God, how can we act more like Jesus who was the incarnation of God in human flesh?


  1. Reply
    Annonymous says

    While we are absolutely created in the image of God, Genesis 2:7 tells us we are the only creation formed by the hands of God and living only by His Spirit breathed into us; And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (KJV).
    At times, it is easy and comfortable to fall into ways that conform to this world, living for self, thinking of #1 (myself), justifying sin, but it brings no joy. The world around us is lost needs us to be messengers of good news in all our lives! Thank you for this Word to remember who we are in Christ, a NEW creation! I am redeemed by His blood and need to live like it!

  2. Reply
    joey Campbell says

    some times things in your past comes up and you fall. But now I pray when it does because I am learning how now to be

    • Reply
      Beverly says

      Galatians tells usabout the Flesh and the Spirit- One lust against the other and likewise. So that we can’tdo the thing that we ought (paraphrasing Gal 5:17)
      We become a new creation by renewing of the mind (Rom 12:2) That comes by reading Gods Word and through the Word of God we have the mind of Christ in us (1 Corinthians 2:16) That’s how we are transformed and renewed and our mind becomes like Christ’s mind 🙏

  3. Reply
    chrystal says

    Some things we can do to show that Christ is in us is trading ordinary daily things for more “Jesus time”. Some examples may be : your favorite show comes on, instead of watching that show maybe read your word, pray , or listen to gospel music for that time span. Make sure we love on all people, not just the ones that we associate with. Sometimes we get carried away in our own thoughts we don’t stop to just say ” thank you , Lord.”

    • Reply
      Anonymous says

      Yes! Good ideas.

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