Nehemiah: From Ruin to Revival Part 7 Dealing with Distractions

The seventh message in the Nehemiah series focuses on Chapter six.  Nehemiah has to deal with distractions that attempt to pull him from the work of the wall.  Multiple times others try to redirect his focus but Nehemiah stays true. Pastor VanHuss shares how we can take Nehemiah’s  principles and...

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Nehemiah: From Ruin to Revival Part 6 Social Justice God’s Way

The Nehemiah series continues with the sixth message focusing on Chapter five.  Nehemiah addresses addresses issues like hunger, loss of property due to famine and drought, excessively high taxes and interest rates, children forced into slavery and more. Pastor VanHuss outlines Nehemiah’s response and how we can pattern a biblical...

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Nehemiah: From Ruin to Revival Part 3 Dealing with criticism and false accusations

This week’s message in the Nehemiah series focuses how to deal with criticism and false accusations.  Nehemiah was under attack before he even began building the wall.  He gives us a pattern on how to respond productively to those moments. Pastor VanHuss encourages us to trust in God when we...

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